Modulare Mode (Workshop)
Kids Workshop: Fight fast fashion with modularity and sharing.
Kids Workshop: Fight fast fashion with modularity and sharing.
Kids Workshop: We grow, cook and eat insects in the school and build a 1 € mealworm farm.
Ein offener modularer Color-Font noch in Entwicklung aber bereits frei nutzbar
Kids Workshop: We dream of and invent a life with less consumption…
Kids Workshop: We fix things and create advertisement campaigns for repairing…
Workshop for adults and kids teaching sustainable modularity with pre-use…
8 Hacks für nachhaltiges Stadtleben
7 City Hacks zu Mobilität in der Stadt
7 City Hacks für Stadtnatur
7 City Hacks zum Thema Produkte, Produktion und Konsum
Pre-use helps sustainable fun life-styles…
Kids Workshop: We collect posters in the streets & turn them into bioplastic objects…
Kids Workshop: We create a font and emoticons with wooden reusable pixels…
Sustainable christmas decoration that might save your life one day…
Sechs Open-Design-Lampen, “Hypercircularity” Edition
Kids Workshop: We create an exhibition with our architecture models of vertical farms…
Kids Workshop: Kids create urban interventions to fight for less cars in the city…
Kids Workshop: We make a palace from PET-bottles without glue…
Kids Workshop: We make bird houses, insect hotels and signs and put them into the city.
Kids Workshop: We collect and cultivate wild herbs from the streets and also make STREET-ART-plants.
Kids Workshop: We discus how to hack the city by creating a hackable city model…
Kids Workshop: We make our own modular toys from plastic scraps…
A modular nappy changing board to put on a washing machine.
Video → Warum braucht die Kreislaufwirtschaft Open Source?
Große stapelbare LEGO®-Steine aus PET-Flaschen.
“Baue Kreisläufe” ein kostenfrei herunterladbares Poster in 9 Sprachen für euren Makerspace, eure Schule usw.
Kinder Workshop: Mit Modularität beobachten wir die Natur und ahmen sie nach.
Ein zirkulärer Messestand mit Pre-Use.
A study for a construction toy using existing ready to buy parts.
Einführung in die nachhaltige zirkuläre Design- und Baupraxis Pre-Use.