A bed for Ikego.World
A bed for Ikego.World
More parts documented for Ikego
4 surprisingly comfortable seats for Ikego
Storage solutions for Ikego
A contribution to Ikego
A contribution to Trikka
Parts for Trikka products
A contribution to Ikego
A contribution to Trikka
A bench using mostly parts from the Trikka catalog.
A contribution to Ikego
A contribution to Ikego
Smart and cool sock storage. A contribution to Ikego
A book or tablet stand using Trikka parts.
An open design pen that supports different refills. “One pen to house them all.” A contribution to Ikego
Parts added to/suggested for the Trikka catalog by us.
Parts added to/suggested for the Trikka catalog by us
A stool for kids. A contribution to Ikego
Parts added to/suggested for the Trikka catalog by us
A contribution to Ikego
Einen Hocker aus gefundener Pappe bauen ohne besondere Fähigkeiten oder Werkzeuge.
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Hallo! Mifactori ist der Lebensmittelpunkt Berlin Reinickendorf. LebensMittelPunkte sind Initiativen überall in Berlin, die sich für eine gesunde und nachhaltige Ernährung der Berlinerinnen und Berliner einsetzen und sich für eine […]