Lift Lamp

Here is another design we made for Trikkas initial 44. The “Lift Lamp” is adjustable in many dimensions.

A couple of color studies:

Here is how it works:


It allows a lot of adjustment. The hook is attached with and moved on a strap. The hook holds the bulb holder. The bottom part can be attached with a clamp or bolted on to a table, a stand or even the wall (the wall also works with a simple hook.)

The key to this is the set collar rail part next to the strap on the top of course.

Trikka Info


The Lift Lamp was introduced as part of Trikkas initial 44. It could add more than one new part at once.

IP protected?

No and not planned


Only as local make. Local makes encouraged (1 € donation per make/per customer/user – regardless how many hangers are made.)

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This post including all images in it is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license