Hi, i am Fonto. Version 0.5
We made a font. It is called Fonto. It is in version 0.5. And you are invited to use it and build on it.
Download & Examples below →
… ah, let me tell you a story you might already have heard:
Joy of Life, Simplicity, Modularity
Fonto is made to express joy of life and the light-heartedness that can come with simplicity and modularity. With this it is made to reflect so many things we are about at Mifactori and sustainable inclusive open design should be.

Only SVG yet
You can download the .SVG (vector file). We didn’t transform the font into a full usable font yet. If you know how to do that go ahead (and help.) Similar looking fonts that are a full font already are Gilbert and Colortube.
Build further, build on it – It is just 5 different parts in defined colours
Version 0.5 only comes with all letters. But no numbers, no special characters, no punctuation marks. But this is not a problem. Because it is really easy to make your own. The font follows a simple construction method: All characters are made from the same “modular parts”. It is 5 defined shapes that are only available in a couple of colours. Pick the shapes, rotate them, arrange them. It is incredibly easy to work with. Building fun. #Modularity. (The “building system” is also adaptable for example to your brand colours.) +
Parts & Build
CC0 1.0 – Universal Public Domain Dedication
The font is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. This means “you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission or giving credit.” – Of course we are happy if you find a spot to mention Mifactori somewhere and maybe even place a link to our page (including the page to fonto so others can find it as well.)