Social media is not really our thing. Instagram the least. We aren‘t to keen to participate in and feed centralized platforms that track and surveil their users in order to manipulate them and lur them into consumerism. But people say „attention is the currency of the 21 century“ and when it comes to that there seems to be no way around them right now. It wasn‘t an easy decision for us but we decided to play along and open up an instagram and other accounts as well. We’ll post there but keep a copy of all our posts here on this page to make us not fully depend on this platform.
#design #opendesign #circulardesign #sustainabledesign #distributeddesign #opensource #opensourcehardware #sustainability #circulareconomy #consistentgrids #activism #environmentalactivism #3erlingrid #modularity #modular #preuse #kreislaufdesign #nachhaltigkeit #nachhaltigesdesign #cities #urbanism #reuse #recycle #making #climatechange #industrialdesign #openshelvenodes #mifactorinodes #NewBauhaus
Nope. Why storing? We stopped doing this.